Closed-loop optogenetic manipulation of visually evoked gamma oscillations

Dimitri M. Kullmann (primary)
Institute of Neurology
University College London
Aman Saleem (secondary)
Experimental Psychology
University College London


Gamma oscillations have been implicated in information routing in the brain, but evidence of a causal link is lacking. The project builds on computational and experimental work that shows that closed-loop optogenetics can be used to modulate the frequency, phase and amplitude of gamma oscillations, without disrupting the average firing rate of principal neurons. Mice will be trained in a visual discrimination task, and the effects of manipulating gamma oscillations will be tested to determine whether perception and discrimination of visual stimuli can be biased by enhancing or suppressing spontaneous visually evoked gamma.


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  4. Saleem AB, Lien AD, Krumin M, Haider B, Rosón MR, Ayaz A, Reinhold K, Busse L, Carandini M, Harris KD. Subcortical Source and Modulation of the Narrowband Gamma Oscillation in Mouse Visual Cortex. Neuron. 2017 Jan 18;93(2):315-322. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.12.028. Ve
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Animal disease, health and welfare
Area of Biology
Techniques & Approaches
EngineeringMathematics / StatisticsMicroscopy / ElectrophysiologySimulation / Modelling