Developing a novel Super-Resolution approach combined with Light Sheet Microscopy to uncover the basis of T-cell signaling synapse formation

Ricardo Henriques (primary)
University College London
Dylan Owen (secondary)
King's College London


The project intends to develop and extend our recently developed super-resolution approach Super-Resolution Radial Fluctuation (SRRF) combining it with Light-Sheet Microscopy, namely diSPIM and Lattice Light-Sheet. By doing so, we will create a new 3D isotropic super-resolution method of unprecedented compatibility with long term live-cell imaging. We’ll then apply this system to study fundamental biology questions, such as the basis of T-cell signalling upon cell-cell interactions in 3D tissue scaffolds. The proposal combines the expertise in cell biology, optical physics and computational biophysics from two of the leading super-resolution research groups in the UK.


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  4. Preibisch, S., Saalfeld, S., Schindelin, J. & Tomancak, P. Software for bead-based registration of selective plane illumination microscopy data. Nat. Methods 7, 418–9 (2010).
  5. Soares, H. et al. Regulated vesicle fusion generates signaling nanoterritories that control T cell activation at the immunological synapse. J. Exp. Med. 210, 2415–2433 (2013).

Genes, development and STEM* approaches to biology
Area of Biology
BiotechnologyCell Biology
Techniques & Approaches
BiochemistryBioinformaticsBiophysicsChemistryEngineeringGeneticsImage ProcessingMathematics / StatisticsMicroscopy / ElectrophysiologyMolecular BiologySimulation / Modelling