Identification of novel antimicrobials to target Clostridioides difficile.

Lisa Dawson (primary)
Infection Biology
Rivka Isaacson (secondary)


C. difficile is a disease of dysbiosis. The use of broad-spectrum antibiotics has resulted in a significant increase in both community and nosocomial C. difficile infection (CDI). There is a pressing urgency for novel anti-CDI therapy, given the high rate of treatment failure and relapse of CDI. We show that p-cresol produced by C. difficile has a deleterious effect on microbial diversity of the gut and provides C. difficile with a competitive advantage, particularly during relapse. Here we will assess small molecule inhibitors to prevent production of p-cresol and assess the effects on the C. difficile infection and the microbiome.


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Harrison, M. A., A. Faulds-Pain, H. Kaur, B. Dupuy, A. O. Henriques, I. Martin-Verstraete, B. W. Wren and L. F. Dawson (2020). “Clostridioides difficile para-Cresol Production Is Induced by the Precursor para-Hydroxyphenylacetate.” J Bacteriol 202(18).

Martínez-Lumbreras, S., Alfano, C., Evans, N.J., Collins, K.M., Flanagan, K., Atkinson, R.A., Krysztofinska, E.M., Vydyanath, A., Jackter, J., Fixon-Owoo, S., Camp, A.H. & Isaacson, R.L. (2018) Structural and functional insights into B. subtilis sigma factor inhibitor, CsfB. Structure 26(4):640-648.

Molecules, cells and industrial biotechnology
Area of Biology
MicrobiologyStructural Biology
Techniques & Approaches
BiochemistryBioinformaticsBiophysicsGeneticsMicroscopy / ElectrophysiologyMolecular BiologySimulation / Modelling