Identification of novel markers for parvalbumin interneurons in early brain development

Helen Stolp (primary)
Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Royal Veterinary College
Dong Xia (secondary)
Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Royal Veterinary College


Parvalbumin (PV)-positive interneurons, one of the most important interneuron subtypes in the cerebral cortex, only express their identifying protein marker at early postnatal stages, after critical periods of circuit formation. In order to modulate their function, and understand neurodevelopmental disorders associated with defects in these cells, it is necessary to find an early marker for them. We will perform single-cell genomic analysis on early and maturing interneuron progenitors, followed by bioinformatic analysis and in vivo expression studies, in order to identify potential markers of this cell type during critical periods of brain development.


1. Mi et al (2018) Early emergence of cortical interneuron diversity in the mouse embryo. Science; 360: 81-85
2. Hu et al (2017) Cortical interneuron development: a tale of time and space. Development; 144: 3867-78
3. Fogarty et al. (2007) Spatial Genetic Patterning of the embryonic neuroepithelium generates GABAergic interneuron diversity in the adult cortex. J Neurosci; 27: 10935-46
4. Stolp et al. (2019) Interneuron development is disrupted in preterm brains with diffuse white matter injury: observations in mouse and human. Frontiers in Neurosci; In press (available via email if not yet online)
5. Favuzzi, et al. (2019). Distinct molecular programs regulate synapse specificity in cortical inhibitory circuits. Science; 363: 413-417.

Genes, development and STEM* approaches to biology
Area of Biology
Techniques & Approaches
BioinformaticsMicroscopy / ElectrophysiologyMolecular Biology