The role of the human hippocampal-cerebellar circuit in spatial cognition

Carl Hodgetts (primary)
Royal Holloway, University of London
Narender Ramnani (secondary)
Royal Holloway, University of London


Our ability to perceive, remember and navigate through spatial environments is thought to depend on a specialised and highly interconnected brain system that involves the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and retrosplenial cortex. Exciting new evidence from rodents has begun to highlight a potential key role of the cerebellum in this ability, potentially via its connectivity with the hippocampus. The goal of the project is to apply cutting-edge neuroimaging, neurostimulation and virtual reality cognitive tasks to understand the structure of this hippocampal-cerebellar system in the living human brain, and its contribution to spatial cognition.


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2. Ramnani, N. (2014). Automatic and controlled processing in the corticocerebellar system. Progress in brain research, 210, 255-285
3. Rochefort, C., Arabo, A., André, M., Poucet, B., Save, E., & Rondi-Reig, L. (2011). Cerebellum shapes hippocampal spatial code. Science, 334(6054), 385–389.
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5. Iglói, K., Doeller, C. F., Paradis, A. L., Benchenane, K., Berthoz, A., Burgess, N., & Rondi-Reig, L. (2015). Interaction between hippocampus and cerebellum crus i in sequence-based but not place-based navigation. Cerebral Cortex, 25(11), 4146–4154.

Animal disease, health and welfare
Area of Biology
Techniques & Approaches
Image ProcessingMathematics / Statistics